Chesnut. 1997. Oficial XXIX – Estepeña II (x Quitasueños – Yeg. Lovera)

Emblematic mare of the stud: Marín García bloodline -OFICIAL XXIX- and Miura – PANADERO VII, VIII. We maintain this bloodline using the best daughters as breeding mares, such as TRAVIATA CAD and GITANA CAD.
NAVARIDAS is mother of great horses such as KAFU III and PERDIDO CAD, both World Champions in SICAB: KAFU III getting the Best Movements Prize and currently competing at Grand Prix level, and PERDIDO CAD World Champion in SICAB 2016 (ANCCE Cup – 5 years old level).
NAVARIDAS has a good strong bone structure, good shoulders, good body structure and of course, a good temperament that gives her courage and working capacity, as well as excellent movements.